A home is not only a shelter but it also protects you from external harsh elements. When it comes to building a home, you should invest your money on solid material that lasts for decades. Timber frame is one of the most considerable material. It has been improved with continuous efforts of professional engineers over the past years. It is also designed in a way that fulfils the today’s needs to ensure that it stands the test of the time.

Here are a few timber-frame basics you should be aware of before making a final decision.
Timber Frame Basics
- A timber frame has a skeleton-like structure that consists of hundreds of load-bearing timbers to bear the larger forces. In North America, a lot of homeowners prefer a wooden structure that is also cost-effective. However, most of the wood is not visible in the structure.
2. When it comes to the timber frame, it exposes the structural timbers beautifully. The timbers are fully prepared and designed in detail to highlight their architectural features properly. Moreover, they offer structural integrity and a high degree of energy efficiency. You can use these timbers in rooms and other central areas of your home to have a prominent design feature.
3. Timber frame is the most durable and strong option. You might have to invest a lot of time in making a mortise and tenant joint. Later, you will have to secure it with a wooden peg. All of your efforts are going to be worthwhile if you carry out each step of the process effectively. Builders have a proper technique and way that they have been using for centuries to construct buildings. They use simple hand tools though like shaper chisel, mallet, and saw.
4. A lot of people end up confusing timber frame with post & beam construction. Even though both methods use heavy timber, there is a significant difference between the two. Post & beam construction uses the simple joints and metal fasteners as compared to traditional timber framing that uses difficult-to-make joints.
5. If you have no clue about where to start your building process using timber frames, you should get in touch with a few authentic online websites or services. If you pick the right service, it will also ensure that you enjoy the warmth, comfort, and other advantages of having a timber frame. You can also plan your custom build timber home after having a profound knowledge regarding the timber frame basics. You should also take the standard wall stud spacing into account while framing your home.
In short, it is wise to do your homework first to make the entire process smoother and quicker. Collect as many designs, styles, ideas, timber frame architecture, colour, and layouts as you can. Keep yourself updated with the latest ideas to make the best use of timber frame in your house or any other property. You should download the photo eBook from any renowned website to have an inside look of a few elite resort houses. You can also design your eBook to start planning as soon as possible.