The R-value for insulation is a measure to determine the flow of cold and heat coming out and into the house. If you are planning to insulate your walls, floors, or attics, you should take this value into account. The higher the R-value, the better the insulation works to keep your home at a desirable temperature. Also, you should know how to calculate the R-value for insulation to be able to make informed and educated decisions.

Here is how you can calculate R-values for insulation.
- Formula
Here is the formula to calculate the R-value for insulation
R Value = thickness of the insulation/ ƛ-value
ƛ is called lambda value that helps measure the thermal conductivity of a material. It is also known as “Thermal Conductivity Coefficient”. The lower the value of the thermal conductivity coefficient, the better it will be for insulation. A good material won’t conduct heat well as you don’t want to lose the heat of your home through any material.
A material that is good for insulation must have the value of its thermal conductivity coefficient equal to or less than 0.065 W/mk. So, if you are looking for a material that is perfect for insulation, it must have as lowest thermal conductivity coefficient as possible. It also indicates that you will need a thin layer of material to achieve the same level of thermal insulation.
- R Value by Type
Every material type or product would have different R-value. You can see a huge variation in R-values if you analyze a few materials deeply. For instance, Rock Wool has an R-value of 2.2-2.3, Foam has 3.6-8.2, and Cellulose has 3.1-3.8. It also depends upon the climate you live in what range of R-value will be suitable for your home. If you are living in a warm climate, the minimum R-value of the product you choose should be 30, while the R-value for the cold climate should be 60 or above. You should calculate the R-value of your existing insulation as well. You can multiply the number of inches of insulation by the R-Value of the particular type.
- Professional Help
You can always take help from the manufacturer of the material to calculate the right value for insulation. However, if you think it is not your cup of tea, you should hire a professional for help who knows how to determine the R-values of the different materials. He must be willing to understand your personal needs, preferences, the specific style of home, and other critical aspects. It will help you find the most suitable option at the end of the day.
- Online Sources
You can also visit online websites or departments that can help you calculate the right R-value for walls, floors, or attics. There are also many apps available online that can calculate the right value of your product for insulation. After taking help from every possible source, you can make an educated final decision based on your information, research, and calculated R-value.